Jan and Arjen Sjo Wiki

Tales of the WGO

Tales of the WGO is the first spinoff of the Pirate vs Ninja series. In the continuity it is placed between the second and third Pirate vs Ninja videos.

It focuses entirely on the World Government Organisation. In this video it is shown what happend after the great battle of Pirate vs Ninja 2 and how the B.P.M. was hired by the W.G.O. It also introduces the Great Leader, and for that reason is somewhat important to the story. However, it is one of the team's least favorite episodes. The second spinoff Pirate vs Ninja 3.5: In the Middle of History was created so that no mortal man will ever have to see this abomination again.


Jan as: Mr. J , and the B.P.M.

Arjen as: Mr. A

Sjo as: Mr. S , The Scientist and the Great Leader
